Monday, June 29, 2009

I would like..

A Klangie Burger please?

Yes , klangie could be made into a brand.

a brand new story could unfold.
The mystery of klangie pork
The smelly drain of Klangie
The dark skies of klangie " eye of the storm "

We as capitalist could always brand everything into anything.
Klangie is one good example to brand, why?

Because its life cycle is at the 2nd last of its stage.
And we need to rebrand it, bring it to another level of consumer.

When US have enough of its MCD, it expands to malaysia.
Now this is one really simple example, whether ornot you get it.

The reason of this blog was always to save klang.

We need to let klangie have a taste of their own smelly drain, dark skies, Pork.
To let them realise ..its time to save their own nation.

"Give me reasons to prove me wrong", Across this new divide. Great song, i recommend it to every klangie

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